Chad Taniguchi-San from Hawaii and I met in Tokyo for the first time in a long while, and went cycle pottering around town.
Chad-San and I have been friends for more than 10 years. Though we seldom are able to meet up because of half the Pacific Ocaean between us, it is fascinating that we continue our connection for such a long time. We had initially contacted each other online through the Bike Friday, and met for the first time when I visited Hawaii to participate in the Honolulu Century Bike Ride in 2005..
Chad is an executive in the Hawaii Biking community ! He used to be the Executive Director of Hawaii Bycycle League(HBL) and has been a great lead in advocating a better bike environment in Hawaii. The bike environment did in fact become better and better with with major results such as more bike lanes. As director of HBL, he's been central in hosting the Honolulu Century Bike Ride as well.
Full blown and aggressive riding is one way to enjoy cycling, but being able to connect with friends around the world utilizing the common language of cycling is another....the strong thought at the end of the day.
ChadさんとはBike Fridayが縁でオンラインで知り合いになったのちに、2005年のHonolulu Century Bike Rideでハワイを訪れた際にFace to Faceで会ってご自宅に招いてもらって以来の付き合いである。会うのは数年に一回であるものの、ずっと付き合いが続いている。今回、東京で数日間過ごしたのちにしまなみ海道を走るイベントに参加するハワイからのツアーにサポートメンバーとして合流するらしい。
Chadは昨年までHawaii Bycycle League(HBL...ハワイ自転車協会)のExecutive Directorを務めていた人間で、ハワイの自転車環境改善に尽力してきた人物である。ハワイ州政府と強力に連携を推進してオアフ島の自転車レーンをここ数年で大幅に整備した功労者である。また日本人にも馴染みのあるHBL主催のHonolulu Century Rideの運営の中心的な役割を果たしてきた。要はハワイの自転車環境整備におけるエライ人なのである。