Cycle Reportに「2006-04-15 宇都宮ロングライド 2」追加
Cycle Reportに「2006-04-15 宇都宮ロングライド 2」追加
not much room for a double paceline!
love the video...what kind of camera are you using?
Glad you enjoyd the pics. Yeah, that's how typical bike paths are in Japan. You can seldom do double pacelines because the path you saw is a two-way bikelane. Yep, bikes come at you at that width, and there's passing normally goin on so you have to be careful of a head-on collision. Pretty risky riding.
I'm using my digital camera to shoot videos, it has movie mode though the quality isn't as good as video cams. I have a Canon IXY, which in the US is the Powershot series. The closest one should be the PowerShot SD400.(Mine is not in market anymore.)