ちなみにR170 SLKはクライスラーとの合弁の産物でベンツの品質が低下し始めた一台だという批評を読んだことがある。また海外ではこのR170 SLKを"Secretary Car"、すなわち秘書が乗る女性向けのスポーツカー"もどき"と評する記事もある。確かにずば抜けた高性能車ではない。しかし私から言わせてみると、性能と楽しさのバランスが取れた日本の交通事情にあったスポーツドライブができる一台だと思う。また決して品質は悪くなく、ドアが重い分厚いボディパネルを備える重厚なベンツを十分味わえる一台だと思う。
その際、願わくば SLK を手放さずに新たな願望も実現させたいと思い模索した。しかしどう考えても無理だという結論に達し、SLKを手放すという苦渋の決断をした次第だ。
I love(ed) all my cars. I am confident that every car I bought was the best and reasonable choice (including the compromises) for the everyday/weekend drive at each moment of life. Some added performance and added luxury at times, but all were practical choices.
My partner.
In contrast, the SLK was an inspiration. I had searched and looked for this near-20 year old specific model because I was in love with it. The pleasure of ownership. The pleasure of looking at it for hours. The pleasure of going out with no destination in mind. It gave me the experience of owning a near classic sports for pure hobby and self satisfaction, something that was on my To Do list in life.
My lover, and the reason why letting go of this machine is so emotional.
Some say that the R170 represents the start of quality decline with the merger between Mercedes Benz and Chrysler. The R170 has been mentioned as the secretary's car due to the lackluster performance. From my point of view, I see it as a well balanced and (maybe the last of ? dunno) no-compromise (heavy steel door) Mercedes Benz. Most important, fun to own and drive.
Life is short. Time for other ambitions.
However, life also doesn't always give you everything in your way.
I desperately wish I was able to keep the SLK (forever) while seeking my other long-treasured desire, but it turns out I just don't have the capacity to do so. Owning 3 cars is just too much. Tough choice to make, but I've decided to part with the SLK and move on.
Only 4 years. It's half-assed, and I accept the criticism.
I respect everyone who is doing it.
That is also life.
As of now, I'm not sure if I can get over it.