ポップアウト式のコネクタを持った Megahertz社製の X-Jack PCMCIAモデムはドングル要らずで、それだけでもちょっと洗練されたビジネストラベラーになった気にさせてくれた記憶がある。途中で28.8Kbps→33.6Kbpsにアップグレードしたはずだ。海外での電話回線との相性も良かった。(これ大事。)
The Megahertz X-Jack PCMCIA modem with the pop out X-Jack connector was a smart gadget with the connector gimmick (no need to carry the clumsy dongle), and using it fooled you into thinking that you were the sophisticated business traveler. It did actually work well, and was tolerant to low quality telephone lines (which was an important factor in a business trip). I recall upgrading the card from 28.8kbps to 33.6kbps....kbps !
I don't think kids nowadays know about PCMCIA cards, let alone analog modems and dial up connections. Cool stuff from the past.