悩んだ挙句、比較的近所にあり繁盛している洗車・コーティング専門店 Keeper LABO にコーティングをお願いすることにした。5年目の車両にやり過ぎかと悩んだものの、リフレッシュの意味も込めてガラス被膜2層+レジン層の3層コーティング施すWダイヤモンドキーパーを施工。水洗い後の拭き取りはしっかり行っていたつもりだったが、モールをはじめボディ全体が水垢に覆われていたようで、しっかり研磨してコーティング施工して貰ったようだ。追加料金を払ってエンジンフード内側、ホイール、ドア内側などアッパーボディは一通り施工してもらった。
I knocked on the doors of Keeper LABO, a shop which specializes in body washing and coating. Treated the car to a three layer coating called "W Diamond Keeper" consisting of two glass coating layers and one of resin. Also paid some extra to have my wheels, the engine bay and door sills coated too. I was told at delivery that they had to do a lot of polishing before the coating to get rid of the water stains and grime, which is my fault not doing the washing and drying of the body completely.
Beautiful looking at the refreshed car. I recognized how beautiful and glossy the car was at the beginning. The looks have returned to the original state, including the touch and feel of the smooth body. I also love the plump water drop that's created on the body. I can keep watching them for hours.