選んだモデルはFMSというメーカーの1/18スケールのトヨタランドクルーザー80 スケールクローラー。完成度が高いという評判通り、なかなか出来がよく、サスペンションもよく動いで面白い。ボディの再現性も高いカッコイイ四輪駆動車だ。
Radio controlled (R/C) cars has been my hobby for a while, and I've been building ones, running them, then trashing them. The latest one is a Formula 1 six wheeler I built more than 5 years ago, but it's been sitting in the "garage" for a while now.
The issue with road going R/C cars is that there are few places to run them. With low ground height and short suspension stroke, it's difficult to enjoy the ride unless you run them on a really flat and clean paved area. Since there are so few of them around, the cars end up stashed in the closet.
So, off road crawlers. They're made to run off road, up hills, rocks and even muddy areas making full use of the suspension. A different way to enjoy than road cars, and no need to look for flat pavement. A lot of tune up parts add on to the enjoyment. The model I chose for my first crawler was a 1/18 scale Toyota Land Cruiser 80 scale crawler from a manufacturer called FMS. As rumored, it's degree of perfection is quite high and well built, and a good moving suspension with four wheel drive.
The issue with road going R/C cars is that there are few places to run them. With low ground height and short suspension stroke, it's difficult to enjoy the ride unless you run them on a really flat and clean paved area. Since there are so few of them around, the cars end up stashed in the closet.
So, off road crawlers. They're made to run off road, up hills, rocks and even muddy areas making full use of the suspension. A different way to enjoy than road cars, and no need to look for flat pavement. A lot of tune up parts add on to the enjoyment. The model I chose for my first crawler was a 1/18 scale Toyota Land Cruiser 80 scale crawler from a manufacturer called FMS. As rumored, it's degree of perfection is quite high and well built, and a good moving suspension with four wheel drive.
RocHobby 1/18 スケール カタナ トヨタ ランドクルーザー RC ロッククローラー モデルカー
Running it in rough terrain showed it's potential with long legs and sufficient torque, but I also learned it challenging to make it climb up and down tricky areas avoiding a rollover. Yes, challenging, and fun.