
Van Weekender 2 - Nissan NV200 FOCS Luz

January 15th, I became an owner of a camping van trading in my Mercedes Benz SLK.

I started my search (and study) back in the latter half of 2020, filtered the search down to several candidates around June 2021 and was asking for information and quotes from the manufacturers. I boiled my choice down to one and placed my order around the beginning of fall. With camping currently being a big trend in Japan, delivery typically takes 1-2 years. However with luck and fortune on my side, delivery came earlier than expected.

The solar panel, the portable power unit...a lot of stuff I bought at Black Friday last year was for the camping van I was waiting for.

Considering the in road and parking situation in Japan, I had my thoughts on a van type from the beginning instead of the truck/bus type "motor home" that can accommodate 4-5 people which people would typically imagine as a "camping car".

I did have the desire to get one with many built-in features though, and my search was initially focused on a larger van, the Toyota HiAce with a variety of standard equipment. However, the HiAce was rather large in size to casually use not just for traveling but for daily use. In addition, I learned from research that fixtures such as refrigerators, sinks, and microwave ovens take up sleeping space and not worth the burden in contrast to their low usage. I also found out that many people DIY them afterwards (and find it fun too.) Change of mind.

I ended up choosing a model called the FOCS Luz based on the smaller Nissan NV200, not the HiAce. The camper is equipped with only the basic features such as the sub power supply and FF heater (both necessary when spending time in the car with the engine shut down), and obviously the bed unit. It accommodates only 2 people, fine with me. The minimalist camper. My mind is already thinking about where to put stuff inside like the portable refrigerator, and even have a few sketches already for my DIY sink unit.

The NV200 base car is a commercial van. The 1600cc engine has no positive specs to note, and the interior full of plastic is by no means luxurious. It's not the most exciting car to drive, but I have no issues with it. I do have some worries about how it'll run on the highway since it is low geared and the engine being not so powerful. I opted for off-road looking wheels and tires since the standard ones which are very small and narrow added to the "commercial van look" which I wanted to avoid. The macho looks of the mud tires are nice, but but the massive road noise has me thinking I made a wrong choice.

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Two weeks have past, and I've only started playing with it.
Added blankets and pillows to make the interior "American" looking, making coffee and eating inside, relaxing with my MacBook (and napping), and trying out my solar panel charging of the sub battery. Even paid a visit to a nearby roadside station for a "park and nap"
Can't wait to take it traveling.

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SLK R170 - Final Thoughts

Among all the cars I have owned in the past, I'm having the most difficult time parting with the SLK. I am even still partially regretting the decision to let go of it though there is no going back now.

I love(ed) all my cars. I am confident that every car I bought was the best and reasonable choice (including the compromises) for the everyday/weekend drive at each moment of life. Some added performance and added luxury at times, but all were practical choices.
My partner.

In contrast, the SLK was an inspiration. I had searched and looked for this near-20 year old specific model because I was in love with it. The pleasure of ownership. The pleasure of looking at it for hours. The pleasure of going out with no destination in mind. It gave me the experience of owning a near classic sports for pure hobby and self satisfaction, something that was on my To Do list in life.
My lover, and the reason why letting go of this machine is so emotional.

Some say that the R170 represents the start of quality decline with the merger between Mercedes Benz and Chrysler. The R170 has been mentioned as the secretary's car due to the lackluster performance. From my point of view, I see it as a well balanced and (maybe the last of ? dunno) no-compromise (heavy steel door) Mercedes Benz. Most important, fun to own and drive.

Life is short. Time for other ambitions.
However, life also doesn't always give you everything in your way.
I desperately wish I was able to keep the SLK (forever) while seeking my other long-treasured desire, but it turns out I just don't have the capacity to do so. Owning 3 cars is just too much. Tough choice to make, but I've decided to part with the SLK and move on.
Only 4 years. It's half-assed, and I accept the criticism.
I respect everyone who is doing it.

Saying bye to your lover while you are still in love.
That is also life.
As of now, I'm not sure if I can get over it.


Blog, GarigariKun, Motorlog Updates

BlogGariGaiKunAudi A4, SLK 燃費情報を随時更新中。


Recap, 2022 New Year

Looks like I had a very fulfilling 2021-2022 new year holiday though it was a quiet one without any party plans in particular.
Blessed to be able to welcome the new year in peace.
The breakdown, below.

#mt Fuji shivering from cold
#year end tennis
#Win11 unapplicable(what ???)@GPD Pocket
#year end soba - chili oil sesame soba@Ishihara
#enjoy, be bright, be cheerful
#hotcake@Repol Sugi
#car washed x2
#wiperblade logo
#year end Chinese food with family
#happy new year
#festive flowers
#safety drive in the year of the tiger
#wish for good health
#osechi new year dishes 2022
#zouni soup dish with rice cakes 2022
#router failure (not now...ugh)
#new year Fuji
#Tokyo strolling on Wheels
#scenes with the SLK, 1
#Pavlov Patisserie
#Farewell Drive
#Open Air Ginza
#Open Top Seating
#Rainbow Bridge, Tokyo Odaiba
#homemade roast beef
#Garigari-Kun ice bar
#Scenes with the SLK, 2
#Big Mouth No Guts
#curry udon with eggs and yam@KonpiraChaya
#homemade pancake with potatos@Denny's


SLK R170



I own a 2004 Mercedes Benz R170 230 SLK for four and a half years now. This is the first time I write about it, but I've been posting the motor log and posted on SNS.

I've had a liking for convertibles with a nicely balanced design with the rooftop closed as well as it open. Not many card apply to this by my standard, but one of the few that comes to mind first is the R170 SLK.
However, it is very difficult to find a nice one in nice and original condition these days being a 20 year old car and it being a good subject for modifications.
The search for one had started quite a while ago, but it wasn't a serious one that I was looking forward to because of the small chance of finding once. Thing do turn out in an unexpected way though at times when you have little expectations, and in 2017 I came across a 2004 model in mint condition. Previously owned by a single user in a closed garage, mileage of a mere 5000 Km, and in full original condition including a CD and cassette audio unit.
My mind destined to buy this or never, I placed my purchase order with just a few online inquiries and no spot checks.

The car which I had transported to my place was indeed beautiful and top quality inside and out, just like a new car. Ever since then, I'm always proud to receive compliments from garage service mechanics praising how the car is valuable being so old but in such good condition and low mileage.

The beautiful proportion of the car you can spend hours just watching, the gimmick of the VarioRoof rooftop storage mechanism that's a must-see show every time you open and close it, and last but not least the exhilaration of open air driving. All this adds up to plenty of added spice to life.

With that said, maybe its time to move along....

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  • SLK VarioRoof Opening/Closing







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もうちょっとだけdown to earthなクラスの車種で最近気に入っているのが、現行型のPeugeot 207CC。これもオープン時のシルエットに加えて、クローズド時のデザインもかっこよく、きちんとクーペとして成り立っているところが優れたデザインだと思う。同じPeugeotでも307CCは個人的にはNGである。










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